WebGL In-"sights" into Shaders, Shapes and Scenes

Teachings from Graphics Masters


  1. Introduction
  2. The Process (ORSCR)
  3. Observation
  4. Research
  5. Sandbox
  6. Creation
  7. Refinement


The Real MVPs

The Process (ORSCR)

The Process of Turning Reality Into Technical Visuals

  • Observation
  • Research
  • Sandbox
  • Creation
  • Refinement


Using and understanding the senses


  • Not just sight
  • Kinesthetic: Touch, weight, proprioception (animation)

Karan Singh on Our Sensory Interfaces

  • ... VIDEO IN is biased

How could vision be biased?

Overcoming this bias

graemmesamonte, DeviantArt


Knowing the tools and constraints

Tools - Mathematics

  • "Each formula and symbol has an interpretation. It expresses an idea, a mechanism or an algorithm." - Steven Wittens
  • Building things with math, like Legos
  • With math you don't describe formulas... you describe things
  • Procedural Generation, "Math Machines", Physics

Constraints - Principles of CG

  • Your retina is a grid of cone cells that react to light, The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a virtual grid of pixels that react to shaders
  • Graphics Pipeline - The Visual Cortex. Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) - interacts with this using a C-like shader definition language (GLSL)

Giles Bowkett - "WebGL What the Hell" - JSLA 2014-02-27

Constraints - WebGL

  • Advanced 3D computer graphics in your web browser
  • ... SLOW Advanced 3D computer graphics in your web browser
  • ... SLOW Advanced 3D computer graphics in your some web browserS
  • ... SLOW Advanced 3D computer graphics in your some DESKTOP web browserS

Why WebGL at all then?

  • Great potential
  • A future with advanced graphics on any device
  • Based on a (limited, but still useful) subset of modern OpenGL - Leverages decades of graphics innovation on shaders, objects, environments, lighting, and many more

Constraints - WebGL

  • An interface for the Graphics Pipeline within your Javascript
  • Still requires writing shader code in C-like GLSL

// Vertex shader program 3 var VSHADER_SOURCE = 4 'attribute vec4 a_Position;\n' + 5 'void main() {\n' + 6 ' gl_Position = a_Position;\n' + 7 '}\n'; 8 9 // Fragment shader program 10 var FSHADER_SOURCE = 11 'void main() {\n' + 12 ' gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n' + 13 '}\n'; 14 15 function main() {... 19 // Get the rendering context for WebGL 20 var gl = getWebGLContext(canvas); ... 26 // Initialize shaders 27 if (!initShaders(gl, VSHADER_SOURCE, FSHADER_SOURCE)) {... 30 } 31 32 // Set the positions of vertices 33 var n = initVertexBuffers(gl); ... 39 // Set the color for clearing canvas ... 45 // Draw a triangle 46 gl.drawArrays (gl.TRIANGLES, 0, n); 47 } 48 49 function initVertexBuffers(gl) {50 var vertices = new Float32Array([51 0.0, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5 52 ]); 53 var n = 3; // The number of vertices ... 78 return n; 79 }

  • That 70+ lines of code draws ...
  • Libraries like three.js save you from some of this


An environment to test and tinker

The Purpose of a Sandbox

  • Play
  • Complements study - Learning by Doing
  • Experiment and test the limits of your tools

Choosing a Sandbox

  • Accurate
  • Real-time Feedback
  • Are there Useful Examples?

Some example Web Graphics sandboxes


From concept to (Virtual) reality

Sculpting Stone - Creation (Artist: Jill Turndorf)

Unformed to Rough Concept

  • Start with a blank canvas, uncarved block
  • Add one piece at a time
  • 80/20 - Continue until it's 80% complete

DEMO: ShaderToy - Making Oobleck


Feedback and Polish

Sculpting Stone - Refinement (Artist: Jill Turndorf)

Rough Concept to Final Product

  • Viewer Feedback Cycle
  • 80/20 - Complete the last 20% of polish and prep

Summary - The Process of Turning Reality Into Technical Visuals (ORSCR)

  • Observation
  • Research
  • Sandbox
  • Creation
  • Refinement

Some "Research" Resources


Any Questions?


wrenr [GitHub]